Monday, October 14, 2013

4 tips for homestay travel

Homestay travel

There are some advantages of this home-stay travel. With home-stay travel you would be able to closely approach the local’s lifestyle as well as to have an indigenous perspective of a nation’s culture. If you decide to try this new travel style, we have some tips for you.

Provide your personal information 

You would always carefully look up for information on a home-stay before entering their house. Certainly, the landlord would want to know about you before letting you stay in the same roof with them. Therefore, you will need to provide your personal information for your tourist company and make sure to make a good impression by having a good openhearted introduction from both sides before you home-stay.

Definite decision 

It would never be superabundant to ask your tour operator what-all-you-need-to-know about home-stay travel. 

Friendliness and respect 

These are two important elements when you home-stay in somebody’s house. Be friendly, natural and open up with the landlord and bear in mind that never get your nose into their personal life. Knock before entering a room and ask for permission before you want to use something. Keep everything around you clean and try to avoid taking advance on the landlord’s hospitality. 

Accept the differences 

There’s always difference between your lifestyle and others., especially when you home-stay. When you stay I a hotel or motel, the whole space is yours. However, when you home-stay, expect the differences on all kinds of aspect from the taste of food, liking some kind of animals, etc. and discussing on religions is a very sensitive topic, thus, you might want to keep it out of the way too.

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